SS501 Malaysia Fanmeeting... what happened?

SS(five)(o)(ONE) or SS(five)(o)(NONE)?

What happened yesterday was like a dream ……
Who were involved?
Hidayah-ee, Fatin, Farah-riddikulus

What a terrible day~ *speechless for 10 minutes*

2/9 Wednesday,
Farah told me on thursday there will be ss501 fanmeeting at One World Hotel around 6pm.

3/9 Thursday,
Sadly I have midterm exam at 3.30pm to 4.50pm. *shoot* I can’t skip. (ofcuz man).

Sejahat-jahat aku, aku tak sanggup ponteng sbb ape-ape pon bende jahat kite buat, baek kurangkan, dari banyakkan. Lagipun itu kelas terbaik, kelas Ustaz K _ _ _ _ _ ….. Sblm exam, gi tuka sticker baru, nak bodek pak guard nnt blk mlm… haha… Bersyukur sbb dpt concentrate jawab exam. Tolak ketepi SS jap .. *walopon harapan tok siap cepat tu ade terdetik time jawab exam*

So I finished around …… 4.35…? I think so. Apa lagi, went to da mosque for Asr prayer, n once again I was grateful, I could still concentrate… *yeke?* Ye ye.. betol2… cume pas bace do’a tu, cam … terlari lak.. sampai tersalah pakai sandal org. Dgn yakinnye sarung kaki kat sandal org, walopon tak muat, muatkan jugak. Lupe lak ptg tu pakai sport sandal~

*cut few scenes*

Bawak kete laju2 … Sdgkan stiap kali follow kete kelise biru KBM, 80km/j pon dah seram. Tapi time tu… cam dekat 200km/j …. ke? Ah..tah a.. But I was sure I could only imagine Youngsaeng in front of the front mirror. Like this ….


Jam? OFCORRRSE!! Dah kol 5 kot.. Org blk keje. Saba je.. Naseb baik MP3 aku asek kua lagu yg menenangkan jiwe je. Aten lak yg cam kelam kabut… “Saba ten sabaaa” Ee cool je kat seat blakang~

Right when we arrived, Aten was like … “Waahhhh….RAMAIIIII~~”
I didn’t realize there were TONS of ppl behind the glass la ten... aishhh.... We knew we’re dead. Hopes were crashed once again when we found out the albums were sold out. Ulang-alik gi pintu utame, gi tempat berbares, dengan harapan ade album kat cerok mane2.. haha~ *siap bace qursi lagi* .... *dikire salah gune ke?*

Aten gelabah..die tak tau dlm hati aku lagi gelabah. Ee lak berator... kitorang still berharap nih ~ haha.... Sorry Aten, ko merengek kat situ, aku senyap je sbb aku ngah berdo’a! hahahha ~ Ade lak nak berharap dapat harapan jumpe. Stiap van yg lalu aku berharap diorang bawak kotak besar2 ade album dlm tu. Hati aku merengek “JOM BALIK!”
Tapi Aten ngan Ee nak tengok kat cerok pintu masok tu.


Eh jap.. nak cite gak satu part, Aku nampak org kerumun. Pastu nampak org hulur2 duet ! OH Ade org jual album lagi! Apa agi.. kuarkan duet sebanyak mungkin! Berharap jugak nak tgk muke penjual, tgh2…. Da 2nd Ajumma from TS (yg jual brg mahal2 sampai cekik darah) .. Oh … time tu jugak … aku tanak bli kat die.. kalo tuhan bagi, dapatla bli…kalo tak bli pon aku rase bersyukur. Sbb nak bagi duet kat die? Aku berharap sangat jgn time tu. Albums with white card were sold out again. Sedeh & bersyukur dlm satu mase. *pelek*

OK…. Soooo……… *nak cube pendekkan* nampak lah beberape ketol org kua dari pintu utame tuh. Oh fansigning has started. Ah.. tak dpt jumpe.. gi kat diorang je.. Yg tak kenal dibuatnye kenal.. Approach sume org, search for whoever got Youngsaeng’s signature.. Carikkan Aten & Ee Hyungjoon & Kyujoong nye... Took pictures ~


*bak kate fan pakai baju pink.. "Baby I Baby I!"*

*Yg lagi sorang fan lak... tak kenal Kyujoong mane satu..
tunjok gamba kat album tanpe rase berasalah.. *

I realized how humble n nice all SS501 fans are. Though there were some who were not their fans, who went just to take our places! *u should have stayed at home and help ur mum to prepare dinner !!!* U didn’t even know the names, u shouldn’t be there man ….. I bet u only know Hyunjoong cuz of Jihoo sunbae. Aish ~

GDathetic! *pathetic *

Oh…. Just when I gotto hold the album with Youngsaeng’s sign, I was relieved. But when they said how cute Youngsaeng was, I fell down unconsciously.


Apa blh buat ..... Wonbin ritu tak dpt jumpe… Halangan org tue … Dapat VIP pass pon tak dpt jumpe.. haha~ this time …. Aku tau, Allah saying aku …*ngengenge* Ade hikmahnye.. Sape tau ape aku akan buat kalo aku jumpe diorang sume tuh? Haaaa... kan kan ~ Time FT siap bawak glove .. HAHA *gile* konon2nye leh ‘jage’....

While waiting for the fansigning event to start, I kept telling myself there must be reasons to all this. I’ve said I’mma try to avoid all this haram things? Yes, Allah protected me. He knows me better.

FO SHO! *bak kate GD*

This is for Aten & Ee. We didn’t get to meet, but we went. We were still lucky… Aku bawak korang gi jumpe artis korea ni..ske tak ske tak? hohoho ~ Aku ingat dpt a kasi korang jumpe..leh epi sesame.. haha ~

Oh n C.. I got a CD .. *playing it right now *hahaha~ Someone found it n gave it to me… Even though it’s just a CD without its cover n da signature, still get something. There are a lot of scratches everywhere, but it works fine! Haha~

Ade hikmah kan kan kan ~ haha.. N …. We saved our money. God saved us. He loves us!!
And… what's more.. we got da chance to break off our fast at Ikea ~ *but it’s still sad that we missed tarawikh………*

Dapat mkn roti Aten penat2 buat kan? Walopon keje ko sapu kaye je. *siket tapiiiii* Mkn kurma aten bawak.. *KURMA SEDAP! Lembut berkrim!*

Sedeh pon sedeh.

Kecewa juge kecewe.

Geram juge geram…

lagi skali aku ckp.. ADE HIKMAH! La la la~
Aku sebena2nye mmg takde pon nak sangat2 album SS501 sbb ..... tah ~ sbb dah de album len... haha... so bile tak dpt aku tak rase pape sangat.. cume.. muke Youngsaeng tak dapat kutatapi ~ haha.....

Penyakit Ee lepas kejadian, die asek tangkap gamba sendiri gune henpon baru die tuh. Pelek gak.. sbb die tak camtu.. HAHA ~ Parah tu Ee….. Takpe, ko dpt bli pendrive baru 4G, aku dpt bli USB port… Aten tak dapat bli baju tapiii.. Sorry Aten~~~

Oh Farah.. I’m happy for u.

U even got Youngsaeng’s!
I didn’t mind u shook hands with him. I wouldn’t mind if u hug him. But plz no kiss kiss ~

JAGE TANGAN! JGN CEMARKAN! If 2pm come, use ur other hand! Hahaha~ kejam tak kejam tak… TAK! Ko tau, aku rase nak bawak baju melayu yg aku bli tok Dongbang tuh! HAHA ~ Ntah sape tah aku nak kasi baju melayu 5 5 tuh. Bigbang kah? HAHA ~ OH ~! Ko tauuu….aku enggak mau BB datangggg…… takpe la kite kumpol duet gi sane kan kan kan… Haha ~ confirm lagi ramai dari SS. Ni SS ni sbb Hyunjoong a ni.. aish ~ Kalo die tak kuakan cite tu lagi, mesti ko leh dpt sign die kan kan kan~ papepon.....
Youngsaeng is still DA BOMB!

*listening to my girl…..*
“You’re my everything my girl..my girl my girl …. “ YoungSaeng

Aku gi sane berharap sangat sbb aku tau..confirm2lah Youngsaeng tu tak ramai peminat ~ wahahaha… Kalo tak dpt Youngsaeng aku sanggop gi kat Jungmin! *tapi nak Youngsaeng gak....*
Youngsaeng ‘suci’ cam Massu… sbb tu aku rase tenang siket ~ *tenang ke?*

Tenang a kot.. bawak kete tenang je… hepi lak tu.. haha

gile ke.. aku tak pernah seumo hidop aku tangkap gamba dlm kete...time bawak kete...
Sume Atennye keje ......

Tapi …balik2.. kaki saket………………………………………………………. padan muke...

SS501 mode....
*credit on links*

SS501 @ Kota Kinabalu Airport - Going Back to Seoul



Semenjak 2 menjak ni … mood naek turun. Lari dari tema blog …. Which is always b happy no matter what. Ah.. apa mau buat.. aku tetap manusie biase yg maseh berperasaan.

Lastly, tak dapat di dunia sementara, insyaAllah dapat di rumahNya yang kekal abadi. Semue bende ade hikmah. Allah tak buat sie-sie.

Ni blh kite aplikasikan untuk buah ……………………….. jap…lupe la.. kene tgk buku tenage pengajar ……………….. *peneraju2 warisan mutlak je paham....*

mood : blah
music:BIGBANG-Until Whenever


mak enon said...

aih byk nk ckp ni.

1. Dapat VIP pass pon tak dpt jumpe.. haha~ this time …. Aku tau, Allah saying aku - saying?? hahahahahaah. ok la typo2 aku paham ko sgt nerves+excited nk cerita.

2. Linnnnn. lepas baca ni sedih blk.

3. mane memory card aku??? hahaha dah la cilok gmba aku taruk sini cettt. xpe nnti linkkan aje.

4. nak dgr jugak lagu dorg!! bagi cd! bg cd!

5. jap lagi aku blk kampung haha xde kene mengene. saje nk kasi nmpk byk.

6. babai.

hidhikariee said...

baby I baby I~
muke aten da basap time tuh..AHAHAH~

lyn ko tetb tdudok time tuh~ak neves ko pengsan.rupenye kuciwa..xpe ade hikmah le tu

tx lyn bwk kami jln~

tx aten ats roti n kurma mu~

mak enon said...

owh rupanya ramai menghargai roti kaya dan kurma aku T_T HAHA padahal korang je.

BoNG said...

Oh Aten ~! Aku bawak kot memory card mlm kite discuss forum tu ~ Adeh. Ko tak ingatkan aku, aku pon lupe teros...

Alaaaa... ko gak soh aku postkan gamba kan kan ~ huhuhuhu...

Hargai sbb kalo takde roti ngan kurma, kite tak dpt berbuke dlm kete ~ haha

E~ Aku terdudok pon aku terkejot. HAHA ~ Naseb bek terdudok..bkn terbareng..tapi itulah aku.. Hahaha ~ Aku mmg ske jatoh2 tanpe seda2 ni kalo dah frustrated.. Geng korea aku dah alami banyak kali ~ haha...

ronel1217 said...

nice templates i really like it..by the way can we exchange link?if u dont mind..lolz just pm me to my site here's my link http://ronelmarin.co.cc thanks have a happy blog,,