I'm back. So there's good n bad stuffs happened. When bad thing comes after good things.. it was kinda good cuz ... at least u wouldn't b too happy thinking bout the good thing. The good thing fade away cuz u keep thinking bout da bad thing. Anyway, good thing 1st.
So on Oct 25 me, Farah n bunch of other friends went to meet Lee Minho.. The great great Goo Junpyo of F4 from 꽃보다 남자 the model of Etude House, everyone's been talking about. We were in da 1st lane, since we arrived much earlier than we could expect. Most of us learned from past mistakes, n try to make things work for once at least. N so, we could c Malays arrived 1st. haha....
I hate all those jerks, n it served them right for not getting the luck. I was lucky. Farah was lucky. We got it! His signature.
After... only-God-knows hours we waited.
I'm glad I pulled Maymay up. I'm glad I actually pushed those people. I'm glad I actually kicked those people. Dude, they kicked me 1st. I was also being a jerk, but, I got what I want. Good for you, Lyn.
N here some pictures... I don't share lots of my pictures cuz I want u to c the scenes.

He stayed for 3 days. He was at JW Marriot, he went to KLCC, Starhill, Pavillion. N here are pics from the conference in Luna Bar.

CREDS on pictures...
Tak lupe kwn2 aku yg berjuang habes2an ari tu. haha.... Farah, Hanis, Sari, Lala
N now comes da bad news. Next morning. It happened around 2.00 something. Aten knows at what time I texted her. 2nd time it happened to me. Vomitting.... diarrhea.... non stop, till 9 something
Thanks Ten, tlg anta gi klinik UIA.. Naseb bek Doc Nurul Asyikin *i <3 u* baek. Yg klakanye, diarrhea non-stop lagi datang after kene inject. Now that's weird. It helps ONLY the upper part? Naseb bek kete 'slamat' .... haha.... Pendekkan ... Isnin malam, masokla Hospital Pantai. Last time it happened, ponnnn Hospital Pantai jage aku. Stayed only for 1 night.Room D208. I thought last time in CFS should b worse cuz blood came out. But this time, I stayed longer. From Monday till .. Wednesday? Or Thursday. I shouldn't be going home cuz I barfed once again, but mum wanted to discharge. N c what's going to happen at home. I go nowhere till now. I missed Multitech presentation .. Only on Sat I went back to UIA for last-min-changed presentation. We did great for a last-min-preparation. Sorry for not being there da night b4.
Lee Minho shii ... what did u do? U stared too much I guess.
Ur killer stare nearly got me killed ~!
Ur killer stare nearly got me killed ~!
Thanks friends for all da warmth wishes. They help a bit. N thanks to those who planned to come but .. haha.. sorry ~
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