SOOM IS SO DAMN GOOD ! It's my everyday song.. not just everyday, everySEC! I wish I could spazz more but time don't allow me to ~ ><
Lately, I just can't find any free time to talk longer on bloggy ~ aish .... Anyway, I know this went was over a few weeks ago.
A gathering was held at Korea Plaza, Menara Hap Seng Kuala Lumpur on the 18th of September. We are having this event to celebrate BEAST’s first year anniversary since debut last year. It is also dedicated to Jang Hyun Seung’s (BEAST member) 21st birthday which is on the 3rd of the same month. This event was organized by MyB2UTY’s staffs with the help of My4NIA staffs. The planning changed at times but we finally managed to use Korea Plaza with the big favor from KTO’s (Korean Tour Organization) staffs.
Since this is our first AnniB2STary gathering, we are working hard to make sure it went well. The gathering was attended by more than 30 people which is a long way since our first gathering few months back. We gathered the night before to make the final preparation for the gathering. Yes, we were shopping the whole day on Friday, and we should go again with all B2UTY next time! >3<
The day started early for organizers, since we have to prepare and make sure everything went as planned. After dealing with some problems, we were so glad seeing more guests arrived and some even donated for MyB2UTY’s project fund. While waiting for more B2UTY to arrive, some were selca-ing, while some were looking through LengChaNaa’s goodies.
We started a bit late from our original plan. The first activities of the day, treasure hunt! 7 groups altogether, running and wandering around the area and looking for BEAST challenges and quizzes. It was a hot Saturday morning. Nevertheless, everyone was very supportive and full of spirit!
The game ended and soon after that, we had our lunch break. Although some groups finished quite late and most of us were all tired from the game, at least we got our lunch! >__<
The afternoon session started at 2:30 PM in Korea Plaza. Our special guest, JSY from My4NIA performed 4minute's Muzik, HUH and I My Me Mine. Right after the powerful opening act by JSY, our MCs, JustCircle (Iza Yanti) and YoonHani (Hani) took over the event. MyB2UTY club's president, Miss Nasha also gave a short 'impromptu' speech to welcome all the guests on behalf of the organizing team.
More funs added as we had our 1st round of lucky draw where 5 members managed to win the prizes (sponsored by MyB2UTY staffs). This version of 'lucky' draw was really interesting since the winners were lucky in the most random situations. The event continued with 흰 소리's own live version of 'Just Before Shock' and 'Special'. Next, MyB2UTY's homegrown dance team performed Mystery dance. We are still recruiting team mates anyway. ^^
We had our 2nd round of lucky draw and 5 more winners were picked. Just after the fun, MyB2UTY had prepared some prizes for the winning teams from the treasure hunt game. Those hampers were presented by MyB2UTY second admin, Miss Wawa. It didn’t stop right there, next we had an epic dance battle! A member from both 흰 소리 and JSY were challenged by the MC JC herself! JustCircle! The crowds were cheering and so excited as the three challengers dance to the remix of CUBE artists’ songs. We even shouted ‘JunHyung’, ‘G.Na’ and ‘4minute’ during the battle. (Perhaps they imagined like being at Cube Star Party!)
Right after that, we played a short B2ST clips followed by Oasis performance by MyB2UTY staffs. The climax of the event was B2ST AnniB2STary & Jang Hyunseung’s birthday celebration. We sang the birthday song in four different languages~ >3< The cake and cupcakes were so cute and delicious!
Before the event came to an end, we had a group photo session and JSY encore performance, with louder cheer and chanting! The MC was also promoting KTO and, MyB2UTY’s forum page. The guests didn’t miss the chance to roam around Korea plaza and snap some photos. Some of them mentioned that it was their first time at Korea Plaza. Plus, the place is so nice and suitable for events like this.
The event ended well. We hope more B2UTYs could attend such gatherings in future too. We gratefully thanks all B2UTY who attended, even though Raya season still not over, the awesome performers (we will keep supporting you guys), KTO staffs, especially Miss Mae who’s with us along the event, the auntie who make great cakes in a short time (ordered the cake on the bus to KL) and our hardworking staffers!Let’s keep supporting and loving our BEAST boys! 30th September is getting nearer. Who wants more of BEAST and MyB2uty? See you again! Don’t forget to donate for our AnniB2STary Gift Project at! Annyeonghasaeyo & SO BEAST!
Photos credits goes to: Iznie, Ly
Written by: Hani
Editted by: Nasha
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NICE N3!share here plzz>>>click
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